Different people come together at a convention. We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable.
We shape this place together. For this we ask for the following points. Have fun playing together!
- Approach each other. People rarely like to be alone.
- Do not ascribe a role to people, rather decide together who takes on which role. Encourage each other to change roles. For instance, you can't tell by looking at people whether they like to base or fly.
- Tricks work best when everyone involved feels safe and comfortable:
- Safe communication: Base asks if everyone is ready. Flyers, base, spotters and longists agree before the trick.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Some tricks need space. Make sure you don't endanger anyone and that everyone around you is comfortable with it.
- Down means down. No means no. Only yes means yes: even with tricks and hugs!
- Don't explain tricks without being asked, stay at eye level. If you can or want to give feedback: ask if it is welcome.
- Topless: Not all people can or want to be topless and don't feel comfortable with it due to different experiences¹
- If you want to train topless: ask the people you are training with and those around you (e.g. people watching) if they are comfortable with it.
- If there are too many to ask everyone, leave your shirt on.
- If you have consumed any consciousness-altering substances, make this transparent to everyone involved.
- Please be aware of hygiene and body odour.
Of course, this applies to everyone who takes part: organising team, helpers, workshop leaders, jugglers, acrobats and other artists alike.
¹ for more information/detailed explanation (in German): https://www.klimacamp-im-rheinland.de/campinfo-2/vereinbarungen/oben-ohne/